"Formazione galattica e feedback" (P.Monaco) ============================================ Titolo: feedback nella formazione galattica Durata: 3 lezioni da 1h30m + 30m di discussione + ... = 10 ore totale Programma: Lecture 1 The "microphysics" of feedback - Brief introduction to the main physical processes that take place in galaxy formation (15m). - Feedback from the energetic activity of massive stars: UV photons, stellar winds and supernovae explosions (10m). - Brief introduction to the multiphase structure of the ISM (10m). - The expansion of blasts in the interstellar medium (20m). - Feedback from quasars (20m). Lecture 2 Feedback on galactic scales - Feedback as a function of the DM halo (10m). - Galactic fountains (10m). - Galactic winds and blow-away events (10m). - The external UV field (5m). - Cosmic rays (10m). - Observing feedback in starburst and quiet galaxies (30m). Lecture 3 Feedback models - Commonly used feedback rules in semi-analytic galaxy formation (20m). - Commonly used feedback rules in numerical simulations (10m). - A more realistic model of feedback (30m). - The effect of feedback parameters on the observable properties of galaxy populations (15m).