From Fri Mar 16 23:53:05 2001 Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 19:07:23 -0600 (CST) From: Rick St. Denis Reply-To: To:,,, Subject: Minutes of Spontaneous Meeting on Valid/Used Sets Dec 1, 2000 hi all we had a discussion of valid and used sets that i thought would be of general interest so i wrote minutes and am circulating them. This is the next attempt to understand how to associate a calibration with the correct data run... Minutes of the AdHoc Used and Valid Set Database Meeting Dec 1, 2000 This is a spontaneous discussion that occurred between: Rick Snider (phone) Liz Sexton-Kennedy Jack Cranshaw Rick St. Denis The following example was outlined: Calibrations ============ CalibRunLists ------------- Run Status Version Table (Mode) 101 Raw 1 SVXDH C1 102 Raw 1 SIXCHP C1 103 Raw 1 SVXDH C2 104 Raw 1 SIXCHP C2 106 Raw 1 CALI Data Runs ========= Run Mode 205 C1 206 C1 207 C2 208 C2 Valid Set ---------- JobSet ProcessName (runs) (Mode) 45 Reconst 101 C1 102 106 46 Reconst 103 C2 104 106 Used Set -------- Run Process Name JobSet 205 Reconst 45 206 Reconst 45 207 Reconst 46 208 Reconst 46 In this example, the silicon calibrations were taken in two modes, C1 and C2. This could correspond to two bandwidth settings or dynamic pedestal subtraction on and dynamic pedestal subtraction off or any of the many combinations of chip parameters. For that matter there could be different chips set to different parameters. The CalibRunList table will not record a mode, but keeps the run numbers and with work the modes can be deduced from the hardware database and the rundb. The information is not easy to find, but at least it is there. There is also a calorimeter calibration run that was taken. The columns specified in the tables by ( ) are not really on the database but we are using them here to keep track of what is going on. Now there are some data runs taken. These are taken in the two silicon modes. Clearly, we want to associate runs 101 and 102 with runs 205 and 206 and then we want to associate runs 103 and 104 with runs 207 and 208. The calibration run is ok for all the data runs. We first looked at how a valid set is made in the code in DBUtils/SetsUtils/ This accumulates a list of tables, like SVXDH, SIXCHP and CALI, specifies the run version and status, then writes the valids set. To make the used set, the valid set is passed to a