From Fri Mar 16 23:57:50 2001 Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:49:36 -0500 From: Terry Watts To: Stefano Belforte , Marjorie Shapiro , Mark Lancaster , Jim Amundson , Stephen Wolbers , Terry Watts ,,,, Rob Snihur , Semeria Franco Cc: Subject: DFCatalog and remote sites (fwd) FYI Hi - Some part of the DFC needs to be exported. - Terry ------- Forwarded Message To: Cc: watts,,,, Subject: DFCatalog and remote sites Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:44:46 -0500 From: Terry Watts Hi Mark - Marjorie remarked in the Export Review that we should talk over differences between the DFCatalog and Calibration tables. Some thoughts: 1. At Fermilab, the Catalog is divided between production space and user/group space, both in Oracle. Production space has: a. Tables connected with runsections and the dataset registry. b. Tables to describe datasets, filesets, files, all created by either the online pipeline for raw data, or the production farm for pad datasets. User/group space has only (b) but for user and group datasets created in FCC. We would need to export (a) from production space in a way similar to the one-way export of calibration. (b) would be part of the transfer of meta data between sites, see below. 2. Some remote sites will create datasets and filesets, e.g. Monte Carlo, so will need a local Catalog to contain class (b) of tables. 3. Remote sites will use copies of datasets created elsewhere, at Fermilab or a another remote site. The local Catalog would contain only datasets and filesets that are available on local disk (this is a proposal). 4. For both 2 & 3, a transfer mechanism is needed for the actual data (tapes probably) and class (b) tables in the DFCatalog. I wonder if your export mechanism can be the basis of the transfer mechanism for subsets of the class (b) tables, i.e. for a subset of only one particular dataset? I assume that import at FCC of DFCatalog class (b) tables would go only into user/group space and not into production space. Note that part of the UK/CDF GRID application planned at Rutherford-Appleton Lab would use some transfer mechanism to move small datasets (both actual data and Catalog meta data) between sites by network. Presumably your export mechanism could be this transfer mechanism for the Catalog tables? Cheers, Terry ------- End of Forwarded Message