INFN computing nodes on CAF
- 10 dual P3 1.4GHz bought in 2002 for CAF Stage1.
6 of those 10 node are now part of testcaf used for SAM on CAF testing
(10% ot the total, just as FNAL does).
The other 4 have been merged in CAF2.
- 34 dual Athlon 1.7GHz in CAF Stage2 (aka CAF).
Up and running.
Priority access via
italy queue,
short_italy process type
- to check if you can use the italy queue:
- kinit
- setup cdfsoft2 development
- updategroup -r italy
- to be added to the list of authorised users, send e-mail to
- to submit a job to the italy queue, use CafGui as usual
after :
setenv CAF_CURRENT caf
[ or, if you use (ba)sh shell: export CAF_CURRENT=caf
but select the process type short_italy from the pull-down
menu. These jobs are limited to 6 hours of CPU.
- more info on italy queue usage in original
message by Mark Neubauer when he set up group queues.
- 18 dual Athlon (identical to previous), order sent from FNAL on
Jan 27, delivered end of February. Burned-in in March. Inserted in CAF Stage2
on April 2, 2003. Added to italy queue quota.
- 60 dual Xeon 2.66 GHz purchased in summer 2003. Burned in
in December Added in January 2004 to italy queue quota.
Total of 62 duals purchased in 2002. All duals have 2GB RAM
6 nodes : contribution to testcaf
56 nodes : italy queue on CAF
Total of 60 nodes purchased in 2003, all in italy queue
Total of 116 nodes in
italy queue,
accessible with the
process type with a quota of 116*3=348 processes with 6 hour CPU limit
Caf2 utilization
by all users and italian users in winter 2003.
Last modified: Sun May 25 02:24:39 CEST 2003