software needed for CDF computing at CNAF
- Linux Red Hat (6.x or 7.x both fine as of Jan 2002)
- AFS not necessary, but welcome
- not used on farm nodes
- very usefull on interactive nodes, maybe also on gateway
- batch system
- will/could start with Fermilab
FBSNG, could switch to
any "Grid-compliant" one
- farm I/O software will be copied/adapted from Fermilab
- all CDF software installed on "code server" node, needs one
dedicated user (named "cdfsoft"), no root privileges, very short
path: /home/cdfsoft.
- all nodes used for CDF must be in FNAL.GOV kerberos realm, or
in a realm that cross-authenticates to it (unless/until K5/Globus
cross authentication works for CDF)
- farm nodes do no not need to talk to outside works, but leaving that
as option will help debug
- scratch area cleanup daemon for interactive disks
- possibly use the same on batch worker nodes
- import from Fermilab ?
- disk quota on interactive disks
Stefano Belforte
Last modified: Fri Feb 15 13:32:25 MET