SpecINT2000=662, SpecFP2000=596
Details on pricing and benchmarking
Current dual-capable boards include:
Tyan Thunder K7 S2462
AMD760-MP chip set, PC2100 DDR SDRAM, 266 MHZ FSB, SCSI and network optional. Best choice for 1U systems.
Tyan Tiger MPX S2466
AMD760-MPX chip set, PC2100 DDR SDRAM, 266 MHZ FSB,network optional.
Tyan Tiger MP S2460
AMD760-MPX chip set, PC2100 DDR SDRAM, 266 MHZ FSB.
MSI K7D Master-L, MS-6501
General information on AMD Motherboards
Current status of our vendors:
Linux Networx: Qualified to ship 2U Athlon
Atipa: Makes 1U and 2U Athlon, we recommend only the 2U at this time because of thermal considerations
Racksaver: Ships 1U dual Athlon.--we recommend to buy at this time only if
buying only one hdd, because of thermal considerations.