Final Performance Numbers from benchmarking

The following performance numbers are based on taking the average of performance on the CDF farms reconstruction and D0 farms reconstruction code. This is then normalized to the performance of a 1.0GHz Pentium III chip. We give first the numbers that each individual machine ranks, and then some numbers for hypothetical machines of the next cpu speed. We intend to use these numbers to judge the best price/performance of the upcoming bid.

Dual Xeon machines

Machine Name CPU SpeedEffective PIII Cycles
eg-xeon 2000 1432
ln-xeon 2000 1432
rs-xeon 2000 1421
eg-xeon2 2000 1419
atipa-xeon1 2000 1402
atipa-xeon2 1800 1293
Future Xeon DDR 2200 1511
Future Xeon DDR 2400 1619
Future Xeon RDRAM 2200 1541
Future Xeon RDRAM 2400 1649

Dual AMD machines

Machine Name CPU SpeedEffective PIII Cycles
Future AMD MP1900+16001614
Future AMD MP2000+16671688
Future AMD MP2100+17331763

Pentium III machines

Machine Name CPU SpeedEffective PIII Cycles
PIII 1000 (Coppermine) 10001000
PIII 1266 (Tualatin) 12661318
Future PIII 1400 (Tualatin) 14001436

Steven Timm
Last modified: Mon Apr 15 14:50:00 CDT 2002

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