# compilation of shortcuts to test sam file transfer without
# invoking a sam project. Benfits are:
#  do not need station up
#  do not need to uncache files or define new datasets
#  runs immediately
#  see error messages clearly
#  can set debug flags
See also Stefan's example with gridftp command
# fzka does not have the "standard exotic file" on disk, use this
# it will copy into local subdir ./kkk/
## samcp cdf-fzkka:cdf.fzk.de:/grid/fzk.de/cdf/cdf3/sam/cache2/boo/jh02523d.003bbot7 kkk
# for fnal could use the "standard"
## samcp cdf-sam:fcdfdata016.fnal.gov:/data1/cdf-sam/cache/cdf-scotgrid-2/prd/boo/gb01defd.0001exo0 kkk
# and for enstore/dcache:
# (use sam locate gb01defd.0001exo0 to verify location in pnf)
## samcp enstore:/pnfs/cdfen/filesets/GI/GI05/GI0500/GI0500.0/gb01defd.0001exo0 kkk
# more lower level, calling dcache access directely (sam_dcache_cp)
# not the -v (verbose) and -d (debug) arguments
## sam_dcache_cp -v enstore:/pnfs/cdfen/filesets/GI/GI05/GI0500/GI0500.0/gb01defd.0001exo0 ./kkk
## sam_dcache_cp -v --gridftp enstore:/pnfs/cdfen/filesets/GI/GI05/GI0500/GI0500.0/gb01defd.0001exo0 ./kkk
# more lower level, calling gridftp directely, have to get
# the proxy first (note the -vb qualifier to have transfer rate
# on screen)
## setup globus_dh_client
## export X509_USER_CERT=`sam_gsi_read_config SAM_GSI_GRIDFTP_X509_CERT`
## export X509_USER_KEY=`sam_gsi_read_config SAM_GSI_GRIDFTP_X509_KEY`
## export X509_CERT_DIR=`sam_gsi_read_config SAM_GSI_GRIDFTP_CERT_DIR`
## grid-proxy-init
## globus-url-copy -no-third-party-transfers -parallel 7 -vb -s "/C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Batavia/O=Fermilab/CN=sam/cdf.fzk.de" gsiftp://cdf.fzk.de:4567/grid/fzk.de/cdf/cdf3/sam/cache2/boo/jh02523d.003bbot7 file://localhost/home/sam/./kkk/jh02523d.003bbot7
# or
## globus-url-copy -no-third-party-transfers -parallel 7 -vb gsiftp://cdfdca.fnal.gov:2811/filesets/GI/GI05/GI0500/GI0500.0/gb01defd.0001exo0 file://localhost/home/sam/./kkk/gb01defd.0001exo0
# or
##  globus-url-copy -no-third-party-transfers -parallel 7 -vb -s "/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/CN=sam/pccdf2.ts.infn.it" gsiftp://pccdf2.ts.infn.it:4567//cdf3/sam_cache/boo/gb01defd.0001exo0 file://localhost/home/sam/./kkk/gb01defd.0001exo0
## grid-proxy-destroy