tests of EDG tools in CDF

Apr 22 Succeded in logging on UI machine at Torino
Apr 23 Succedded in loggin on UI machine at CNAF. Succeded in submitting simple scripts to the grid.
Apr 24 First non-trivial test. Succedded in submitting Alex Cerri's test MC job and running it. Submitted from UI in Torino, executed on CE at CNAF, retrieved output on UI at CNAF.
There is no AFS on the WN now, and no CDF offline. This is an example of running CDF code on a totally generic grid machine.
Here are links to the JDL file prova.jdl that uses prova.csh to eventually produce pippo.txt. The AC++ input tcl file is gp.tcl and the job stdout and stderr from running on the WN are prova.StdErr and prova.StdOutput. The job submission sent the script and a 142MB tar with list of prova.tar content. To make the executable run on a WN without AFS that know nothing of CDF, Alex added to the tar the shared libs as in list of shipped shared libs and the HepHist.dat binary file (which Stefano B. thinks is not needed since removing it makes no change). The full tar is (while it last) at fnal in /cdf/spool/flavia/prova.tar and on Torino UI in grid006.to.infn.it:/home/belforte/grid_test/prova.tar
Then discovered that can submit the gzipped tar (36MB instead of 142) and gunzip it on the WN. This shorten submission time from ~6 to ~2 minutes.

Stefano Belforte
Last modified: Wed Apr 24 15:19:24 MET DST