Remote monitoring
Offline ~ok: need guaranteed interactive work, probably OK even if heavy graphics is slow. Transfer large data sets via tapes.
Online: a new front.
- 1. Silicon Vertex Tracker: crucial part of Level 2 trigger, a lot of online monitor, care, debugging: experts in Italy (only!)
- 2. Internal Silicon Layers: our largest contribution to new detector, want to keep ownership after installation, needs on-line assistance from Pisa as well.
- 3. SVXII, MUON, CALORIMETER TOF… many more crucial detectors with large/predominant competence in Italy
- 4. Remote Control Room: do shifts in Italy, save on travel
- 4 is about saving money, 1, 2 and 3 about getting proper credit and physics rewards from present large efforts: keep ownership of our detectors !
- NEED: few X-terminals that work as extensions of FNAL LAN