ISDN implications
Need work, money, and infrastructure
Work: find best configuration
- ISDN card on PC + call to US ? Easy
- Router + Call-Back from US ? Cheaper. More workplaces...
- Is one line/site enough ? 1 in Trieste, 3 in Pisa ? 10 in Italy ? Get more “air time” for the same cost. Time sharing...
Money: 20 users * 1hr/day average = 1MLit/day ~ 400MLit/year
- probably OK if taken as saving on travel
- still a significant cost. What is the INFNET cost ?
- needed connection time could easily be 2 or 3 times more
- needed connection number could be less if can share one line.
Infrastructure: dedicated room(s) and PC(s) (unix WS?). Maybe router. Equipment at Fermilab as well ? A few tens of Mlit plus some effort and a lot of manpower.