Spy Buffer as Beam Finder ?
This topic belongs to another workshop (SVT & the Beam)
Just a place holder for more possible software needs
Simple algorithm can track beam position parameters in real time and feed back into SVT constants (not fully proven), need ~10K tracks.
All SVT output tracks go through the Spy Buffer of the last MRG
- Data flow into Leve2: a few tracks each 20 ?sec ? O(100KHz)
- Spy Buffer is filled at the rate it can be read by VME CPU
- Simple program in crate controller could look at half the tracks produced by SVT (50% of time Spy Buffer is written, 50% is read)
- fit beam center with ~100K tracks each second !
Not clear yet how to turn this into (x,y,?x,?y) in accelerator coord, but “it must be possible”.
CPU & memory needs still not defined (should be small).
Would this interfere with SVT monitoring ?