1. AMS timing
From SVTSPYMON stored histograms from TAKA's special run (4/5)
159183 and
Look at GB timing in 0-50 microsec scale, 1microsec per bin.
Using default AMS microcrode
Using new (v2.0) AMS microcode
- A clear shift of about 1 bin toward smaller times is visible in the
second histograms, consistent with 700nsec improvement expected.
Timing average is dominated by fluctuactions in the tail. A different
Note that 20 microsec to pass an empty event is unbelievable.
- All this effort to make it 19... looks so irrelevant.
- Compare with 15 microsec to go through one wedge. How do we
manage to spend 5 microsec on empyt events on final mergers and GB ?
- I do not see urgency to check new microcode timing on LSA
- Will still try to do it, esp. to have a test stand for possible
future work, still need a special cable and time: on the backburner.
- Propose to make AMS microcode v2.0 the default.
- But... will make SVT output road list different then simulation
- Do we want to wait until this is fixed ? Bill ? Stefano ?
For comparison, here's the same timig histogram as before for 4/4
(i.e. the previous physics run)
2. SVT multiplicity (timing?) vs. XFT cut
Studies on Run
Thanks to Bill, Alex, Rolf and Liz S-K
This run's L1 triggers:
This run's L2 triggers:
- I forgot to exclude short tracks. Thanks Rolf
Here's new plot:
- This work is just starting
- Plan to understand a bit better high multiplicity sources and
effect. Then repeat with cut on Pt in XTF. Hope to be done by friday.