The Merger front panel has 6 connectors (slots). We number them 1 to 6 from top to bottom. Each SVT board has its connectors in one or more of these slots: HF : 1 : OUTPUT (HITS) MRG : 1,2,3,4 : INPUTS A, B, C, D (1,2,3 from HF, 4 from XTF) 5, 6 : OUTPUTS A, B (two identical streams) AMS : 4 : OUTPUT (ROADS) 5 : INPUT (HITS) HB : 2 : OUTPUT (Road-Hit Packets) 4 : INPUT (ROADS) 6 : INPUT (HITS) TF : 2 : INPUT (Road-Hit Packets) 3 : OUTPUT (Road-Hit Packets) 5 : OUTPUT (traks)
Stefano Belforte - INFN Pisa