SVTVME pacakge maintenance
basic rules:
- make sure you read Thomas's
SVT software page first, especially
introduction to CVS usage.
- all code/headers/doc is in online cvs repository (setup cvs -q online).
- changes in cvs repository are done with individual user names.
NEVER, NEVER make changes in cvs as cdf_svt or similar.
- instead handling of ups packages (i.e. of source/doc/libraries/binaries
etc. made available to users on the cdf online disk via the
setup svtvme commandI is done by user cdf_svt.
- read Jim Patrick's tutorial in
here also a lot of usefull stuff about e.g. ups and setup is
in the
online software pages.
- usefull pointers:
- setup svtvme will setup the current fision version. This may or may not be the best choice. As of March 2001, this is 2_15 which is fine.
- following instructions indicate to use b0dap30 to compile for VxWorks,
b0dau30 can not be used anymore.
Official updates
using the svtvme_update_k5 procedure will do Linux and VxWorks flavors.
- Kerberos is required for online machines. So in the following I only
give instructions that require a kerberos ticket. Also note that to
log on an online machine from offsite (or a laptop using DHCP !) you
need to log into antoher on-site CDF machine first.
how to make changes in CVS repository
- get a kerberos ticket and log on b0dapxx
- create a work directory: e.g. mkdir ~/work
- setup cvs -q online
- cd ~/work
- cvs checkout svtvme
- cvs creates the directory svtvme and all the tree below it
- cd svtvme
- look at setup_local scriprt in this directory, it has the command:
setup svtvme -r ${PWD} -M ups -m svtvme.table
you must execute this command so the svtvme logicals point to
this new work area, rather then to the real package directory on the
online code disk. Then:
- cd svtvme/src
- gmake
this makes local copies of libraries. If you want to test local
copied of VxWorks libraries as well, you need to re-issue the previous setup
command (from svtme directory, not svtvme/src !) with qualifier -qppc
and then -q68k. And re-run gmake (in svtvme/src) each time. Also you
need to log b0dau30 machine and run gmake to make Irix library.
I recommend to test Irix compiler when making big changes, it has
different pickyness then gcc or $VXCC that helps getting code straight.
- cd svtvme/src
- edit/change/test/.... source code
- similarly on header files in svtvme/include etc/.
- when done: cvs commit -m"comment" file_name for each file you
changed, or commit -m"comment" with no file name if same comment
applies to all changed files
- not all users can committ. At present ukyang,barchies,spinella,sdonati,belforte,rescigno,speer,ashmansk,sarkar and zanetti
can. Ask Jim Patrick for permission if needed (or ask
Stefano or Bill to ask it for you). Or ask them to put in the new code.
- list of authorised is in b0dau30:/cdf/code/cvs/CVSROOT/check_access
(only accessible on b0dau30 !)
how to make changes in development version of the package
(development version is just the head of the repository)
- Easy and fast
via kerberised script: just type
- for this to work your kerberos principal has to be listed in
~cdf_svt/.k5login. If not so, ask someone who has his/hers there to add you.
- slow and tedious to control all details
- put the new code in cvs as for above procedure
- get a kerberos ticket on b0dap30 and type: ksu cdf_svt
- setup cvs -q online
- setup svtvme -d
- cvs update -d
- gmake
- setup svtvme -q ppc -d
- gmake
- setup svtvme -q 68k -d
- gmake
How to make a new frozen version of the package (or new release),
for example v5_18, i.e.
something users will access with: setup svtvme v5_18
- test first as development as above
- when happy with head of repository status tag it in cvs
from your individual account with
- log in b0dap30 and ksu cdf_svt
- setup cvs -q online
- setup svtvme -d (or any other version)
- cd ..
- mkdir v5_18
- cd v5_18
- cvs checkout -r v5_18 svtvme
- mv svtvme/* .
- rmdir svtvme
- now must declare this to ups so setup can work:
- ups declare -f NULL -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
- ups declare -f NULL -q ppc -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
- ups declare -f NULL -q 68k -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
- setup svtvme v5_18
- gmake
- then re-execute setup and run gmake for all flavors as before, logging
on the needed operating systems
Stefano Belforte
Last modified: Thu Nov 21 22:29:04 CET 2002