UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE | Dipartimento di Fisica | Anno Accademico 2021/2022 | |
Registro delle lezioni
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Numero registro: 16253 | Data: 21-07-2022 |
RINALDO RUI (matr. 003412):
Ruolo: Professori Ordinari (Docente interno)
Copertura: Materia di titolarita'
Attività didattiche di afferenza:
Periodo di svolgimento: Secondo Semestre
Docente titolare:
RINALDO RUI (matr. 003412)
Insegnamento | Corso di studio |
Totali ore rendicontate:
| Ore previste | Ore rendicontate |
Didattica frontale | 24.0 | 36 |
Totali ore per tipologia di attività e per gruppi di studenti:
Didattica Frontale | Ore totali | Ore suddivise per gruppi di studenti |
Ore | Gruppi di studenti |
laboratorio | 34 | 34 | Previsto per tutti gli studenti | lezione | 2 | 2 | Previsto per tutti gli studenti |
Dettaglio attività svolte:
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dalle 14:00
alle 16:00
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 2 | Titolo: | First hands-on session: oscilloscopes | Descrizione: | First hands-on session: oscilloscopes, pulse generator, cables, connectors, delays, signal attenuation in amplitude and frequency. | In compresenza con: | MIRCO DORIGO (matr. 015430), LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
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dalle 09:00
alle 11:00
lezione | Ore accademiche: | 2 | Titolo: | Coaxial cables, impedence, attenuation | Descrizione: | Signal propagation through coaxial cables References: Lecture notes from ucla (Computer Science - Networking - Physical Layer). "B" series Lecture: Lecture 2 http://wwwusers.ts.infn.it/~rui/univ/Acquisizione_Dati/Lezioni/VI%20-%20Coaxial%20Cables/ |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | VME: VME - USB Bridge | Descrizione: | LABORATORIO VIRTUALE:
Working experience:
- Turn on a VME Crate and verify the communication between the VME and the Computer, through VME1718 controller
- Understand the vi programs StartStop.vi, Read_Cycle.vi, Write_Cycle.vi, Read_Input_Register.vi
- Identify the correct V1718 registers referred by the previous vi's (see the manual
http://wwwusers.ts.infn.it/~rui/univ/Acquisizione_Dati/Manuals/CAEN%20V1718%20rev9.pdf ) |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | Curva di Coincidenza | Descrizione: | Working experience:
- Coupling of logic signals with proper impedence, measure of the length of a coaxial cable, signal distorsion
- Build a coincidence circuit with two signals coming from a real detector, build the coincidence curve to measure the best timing and the random coincidence and anomalies in the signals.
- Usage of Quad Scaler and Preset Counter/Timer
W.R.Leo - Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-To Approach, chapter 15.
http://wwwusers.ts.infn.it/~rui/univ/Acquisizione_Dati/Manuals/CAEN%20N145.pdf |
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dalle 14:00
alle 18:00
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | VME: R/W Cycle | Descrizione: | Virtual Instruments to perform Read and Write operations on V1718 input and output NIM lines
Working experience:
Learn the programs i-o_sufile.vi, ReadOutReg.vi and pulser.vi | In compresenza con: | GIACOMO CONTIN (matr. 009161), LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | VME first level trigger | Descrizione: | First complete cycle of electronics control and data acquisition via VME controller V1718
Working experience:
- Build a logic circuit to make VME_DAQ_Control.vi work
- Verify the correctness of the program with the aid of a visual scaler
- Understand other vi's form the CAENVMElib.lib library
- Modify the program in order to make it work with a VME Scaler (and control the Veto!)
http://wwwusers.ts.infn.it/~rui/univ/Acquisizione_Dati/Lezioni/XIV%20-%201st%20Level%20Trigger/ | In compresenza con: | GIACOMO CONTIN (matr. 009161), LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | TAC Ortec 467 + ADC V419 | Descrizione: | Hands-on session: TAC Ortec 467 + ADC V419
Working experience:
Build start stop circuit for using Ortec 467 time to pulse height converter and V419 peak sensing analog to digital converter. | In compresenza con: | LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | TAC + ADC (cont). TDC V775 | Descrizione: | Hands-on session: TAC + ADC (cont). TDC V775
Working experience:
Optimization of the start stop circuit for using Ortec 467 time to pulse height converter and V419 peak sensing analog to digital converter.
Building start stop circuit for TDC V775, understanding its usage and a DAQ program. | In compresenza con: | LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | Hands-on session: QDC | Descrizione: | Usage of CAEN V965 and V972 Charge to Digital Converter. |
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dalle 14:30
alle 18:30
laboratorio | Ore accademiche: | 4 | Titolo: | LACD: Program for TDC+QDC DAQ | Descrizione: | Hands-on session: building a labview program for the simultaneous acquisition of timing and amplitude signals from two or more scintillators using V775N TDC and V965A Charge to Digital Converter (QDC). | In compresenza con: | LORENZO VITALE (matr. 006881) |
Documento generato con ESSE3 versione in data 21-07-2022 20:03:39 CEST(+0200) |