- send mail to
to have your queue setup
- if you work from a FNAL machine:
cp ~belforte/.cafrc ~
cp ~belforte/krb5.conf .
add to your ~/local.login the line:
setenv KRB5_CONFIG ${HOME}/krb5.conf
if you use bash instead, add to ~/bash.profile the line
export KRB5_CONFIG=${HOME}/krb5.conf
- if you work from Italy:
cp /afs/infn.it/project/cdf/cdfsoft/DotCafrc ~/.cafrc
cp /afs/infn.it/project/cdf/cdfsoft/krb5.conf ~
Then modify your .login or .bash_profile ot whatever
your local sysman decided your local initialization
script has to be called, so to inclue the definition of
KRB5_CONFIG as indicated above
Note that if you work from Italy and your desktop does not
have the kerberos client installed, you can still work by using
although this is not as conveniente and
you may need more "gimnick" with kerberos conifguration
- add to your ~/.k5login your new principal
name/cdf/cnafcaf@FNAL.GOV, in order
to allow the CAF@CNAF to send files (your logs e.g.)
to your directory.
After this your .k5login must look something like:
- if you work from Italy:
source /afs/infn.it/project/cdf/cdfsoft/cdf2.shrc
(assuming you use bash, if you use tchs, put a "c" after the dot)
- setup cdfsoft2 development
- define the CAF@CNAF as your preferred CAF:
- if you use tcsh: setenv CAF_CURRENT cnaf
- if you bash: export CAF_CURRENT=cnaf
- use CafGui and/or cafcom as usual, but make sure you
fully specify the output node with a user@node:/directory string,
you can not use the icaf: and/or scratch: shortcuts
- make sure you do not try to access any local data disk file, there
are none at CNAF
- in principle you can use rootd to access static data on fcdfsgi2
and/or FNAL's CAF static servers, in practice performance is lilkely
to be awfull
- monitor your job with the usual cafjobs/tail/top/dir/kill
- monitor your jobs and/or the full farm from
CAF@CNAF fbswww page
CAF@CNAF UserMonitor page
- For examples of real analysis jobs that run on the CNAF farm,
look at
Antonio's Plug Electrons Analysis page
- Send Antonio/Stefano e-mail if you find we forgot something !