Spy Buffer Monitoring. How good is it ?
Time to read Spy Buffers:
- 128Kwords/Buffer, 2 Buffer/Board (typ.), 100 Boards
- ?3*104*103 words ? 100 Mbytes ? few sec's
- There is lot of redundancy (two buffers per cable!), most tasks will not require reading everything.
- Each Spy Buffer full dump has several events in it ()
Run full SVTSIM:
- few ev/sec on ALPHA 255MHZ, assume 10Hz on RunII CPU
SVTSIM timing matched to Spy Buffer reading: will fully check 104 events each hour or better, just the 1% we asked for.
Spy Buffer can do a lot more: error monitoring and reporting will heavily use them (separate session), still:
- hope we are not swamped by errors
- SVTSIM and error monitoring can go in parallel