Track Replicates
Same 4-hit combination may appear in more roads (up to 1.4)
One 5-hit track fires up to five 4-hit combinations
What to do with track copies ? Maybe Level2 can not handle them, so we need to build more SVT hardware...
How many clones we have ? How long does it take to deal with them ?
What will Level2 processor have to do with these tracks ?
- Cut on d ? Easy and fast.
- Find vertex ? Jet-probability algorithm ? How long does it take ?
It all depends a lot on the kind of event (20Gev jet ? 2-track ?)
Time to think in terms of integrated triggers, L1 + SVT + L2:
- if SVT takes longer ? less time for Level2
- proposals for triggers requiring higher SVT efficiency should include understanding of what to do in Level 2 processors