HB firmware

Programming files for all HB Xilinx chips to be used with Xilinx HW-130 chip programmer. Note that all HB Xilinx (7300 series) have an internak EPROM that must be programmed before soldering the chip on board (no ISP !!)
All chips have a cheksum, different programming have different cheksums, use the cheksum to make sure you download the correct file on the HW-130 programmer before burning the chip. Some programming files (and chips) also have a signature, that identify the chip, the signature is not relevant though.
Here is a file with all checksum and signatures for the chips used in the HB. It also lists some older versions that should NOT be used. Chip names and numbers are as they appear in the part list and serigraphie

Here are the programming files for all XC7336-5PC44 chips

Here are the programming files for all XC73144-7PQ160 chips

For the source files used to generate these programming files (i.e. the description of the chips logic), refer to the HB Xilinx programming page
Stefano Belforte
Last modified: Wed Jul 31 13:37:26 MET DST