HIT word format

Each SVX hit is transmitted as a single word packet from the Hit Finder (HF) to both the Associative Memory Sequencer (AMS) and the Hit Buffer (HB) via a Merger (MRG) that combines 3 HF's and duplicates the output stream.
The HB then sends relevant hits to the Track Fitters (TF) packing all the hits that belong to a road togheter with the road itself. See Road_Hit packet description.

Word structure

24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
HD DS 0 1 Layer(3) Barrel(3) Long coordinate(14)

Data field assignement:

Layer SVX layer number 0..4 (5 is reserved for XTRP)
Barrel z-Barrel id
Long long cluster flag. 1 if cluster from HF is 4 strips or more

Note: within the AMS and HB the layer,barel and corodinate 11-MSbits are converted to a SuperStrip (SS) address using a lookup table. The 4 Least Significant bits of the cordinate are discarded before entering the lookup table.

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